Journey of the Universe Conversations
Formerly titled "Educational Series"
Twenty-part series (30 minutes each) in a 4-DVD Set
Available for Purchase
Conversations with Scientists, Environmentalists, and Educators
Hosted by Mary Evelyn Tucker, Yale University
Overview Video
This twenty-part educational series integrates the perspectives of the sciences and the humanities into a retelling of our 13.7 billion year story. In a series of one-on-one interviews, scientists, historians, and environmentalists explore the unfolding story of the universe and Earth and the role of the human in responding to our present challenges. These half hour episodes are designed to be used in classrooms, conferences, community centers, and religious institutions in conjunction with the Journey of the Universe film and book.
Section 1: The Emergence of Universe, Earth, Life, and Humans is described in engaging discussions with scientists and historians. Scenes from the film, Journey of the Universe, are woven together with these thought-provoking interviews.
Section 2: Emerging Earth Community illustrates the ways in which we are creating vibrant and sustainable societies and cultures within the context of our epic universe story. Through interviews, the contributions of ecology, economics, agriculture, urban living, poetry and art, psychology, race, and religion, are explored with the goal of creating new human-Earth relations.