EMMY® Award Winner
For Best Documentary


Winner of Montana CINE International Film Festival “Global Award” and “Merit for Scientific Information & Cinematography”

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"The human venture depends absolutely on the quality of awe and reverence and joy in the Earth and all that lives and grows upon the Earth."

-Thomas Berry
The Great Work

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John Grim: Executive Producer

John Grim is Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar at Yale University with appointments at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale Divinity School, the Department of Religious Studies and the Center for Bioethics. Both he and Mary Evelyn Tucker direct the master’s program in Religion and Ecology at Yale.

He is also Coordinator of the Forum on Religion and Ecology with Mary Evelyn, and series editor with her of “World Religions and Ecology,” from the Harvard Center for the Study of World Religions.  In that series he edited Indigenous Traditions & Ecology: the Interbeing of Cosmology & Community (Harvard, 2001). He is also the author of The Shaman (Oklahoma University Press, 1983). With Mary Evelyn he edited Worldviews and Ecology (Orbis, 5th printing 2000), and a Daedalus volume (2001) entitled, Religion and Ecology: Can the Climate Change?

For further information: http://emergingearthcommunity.org/john-grim