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Carl Anthony 

Carl Anthony is the founder of Breakthrough Communities, a Bay Area non-profit organization committed to building multi-racial, multi-cultural leadership for sustainable metropolitan communities in California, in the United States, and in the world.  He is former executive director of the Urban Habitat Program, one of the oldest environmental justice organizations in the country. With a colleague, Luke Cole at the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, he published and edited the Race, Poverty and Environment Journal, the only environmental justice periodical in the country. He is the former President of Earth Island Institute. He has taught at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture and Planning, and the University of California Colleges of Environmental Design and Natural Resources. Anthony has a professional degree in architecture from Columbia University. In 1996, he was a fellow at the JFK School of Government, Harvard. He has written the forward for both books in the MIT Sustainable Metropolitan Communities Books series: Growing Smarter: Achieving Livable Communities, Environmental Justice and Regional Equity (2007, Robert D. Bullard, Ed.) and Breakthrough Communities: Sustainability and Justice in the Next American Metropolis (2009, Paloma Pavel, Ed.).