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Woodbridge Residents Tell a Tale of the Universe

Bethwood Patch
January 19, 2012

Yale professors' 10-year quest results in an infinite story that can be viewed in an hour.

A 10-year effort by a pair of Woodbridge residents has resulted in a "journey" of stupendous proportions. Yale professors Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim will be at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, January 22, from 2-4 p.m. for a showing of their documentary "Journey of the Universe." The showing will be followed by a wine and cheese reception, book signing and a discussion panel titled "Our World, Our Farm" that will relate the broad message of the film to Woodbridge's Massaro Farm.

According to an article by John Amarante in the New Haven Register, the documentary film is companion to a well-regarded book, a website and an educational DVD series, which features 20 interviews with scientists, historians and environmentalists.

Mark your calendars and make plans to meet the producers in person!

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